Thursday 30 June 2016

Muslim Wedding Cards - An Auspicious Start of Joyous Occasion

Muslim wedding cards
Marriage is considered to be a great joyous occasion for the Muslims and it is also meant to be a deciding factor for the way a person leads his or her life. Therefore, it is quite natural that special care is taken to design Muslim wedding cards.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Hindu Wedding Cards - A Symbol of Family's Tradition and Cultural Beliefs

Hindu wedding cards

Hindu wedding cards not only serves to invite the guests, family members and loved ones but it also acts as a symbol of the family's tradition and cultural beliefs. Therefore the Lovely Wedding Mall designs these cards with correct colors, symbols and motifs.

Friday 24 June 2016

Indian Royal Scroll Wedding Cards - Impress Your Near and Dear Ones

A good designing Indian royal scroll wedding cards will be a hot topic of discussion among your near and dear ones on your marriage. It should impress both the older and younger generation.

Monday 13 June 2016

Selecting a Traditional Indian Wedding Cards in UK

A traditional Indian wedding cards in UK is a perfect way to involve your near and dear ones on that special occasion. Apart from finding the best caterer and the best DJ, it is also important to find that perfect invitation. Lovely Wedding Mall is the best place for it.

Saturday 4 June 2016

Make Your Occasions Memorable with Hindu Wedding Invitations in UK

Wedding Cards are available in varieties of colors with awesome look at Lovely Wedding Mall. Hindu wedding invitations in UK are stand out prominently with their excellent designing and intricate detailing. It filled with eye pleasing colors and unique textures.

Friday 3 June 2016

Now Trends is Change of Selecting Indian Wedding Cards

The selection of wedding cards is a better start of any wedding. There were times when elders of the family going to the stores specializing in this art and choosing auspicious Indian wedding cards with some popular motifs like Ganesha, swastika, bride and groom, butterfly and so on. But things have changed now.